Miss you so much my blue eyed boy love you to the moon and back Mum xxxx
21st September 2020
I had the pleasure of being your first teacher at Sacred Heart, I have lovely memories of you in reception class.
I remember you starting school and your mum was a little anxious as you were only just 4 and the youngest in the class but you soon settled in with your sunny personality, joining in with everything that was going on. What a lovely smile you had!
My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this difficult time.
Rest in peace Joshua,
love from,
Mrs Cox
22nd May 2020
Love is not a strong enough word to express how I felt for Joshie my first grandson.
Your gorgeous manners your caring heart and your loving smile that your nannies have the pleasure of enjoying now,
The great times playing pool and the maturity to talk to your friends in the Stag.
I will miss that pint you promised me on your 18th birthday but I will have a pint of Guinness for you.
My heart is full of love and pride for you and I was blessed that you were my GRANDSON
As always i will always be hear for you and will look after your Mum,Mia, Jack and Ste. Love you Josh, Grandad x
21st May 2020